Friday, September 9, 2011

viruses movement

Some viruses are airborne (as when a person sneezes), while others can only infect a person who touches a surface that has the virus on it (as on shopping cart handles). It just depends on what type of virus it is. Also, some viruses can survive longer on a surface than others can; again, it depends on the type of virus.
Can viruses move?
viruses move with the hosts cell around the body

  • Does Move Media player install viruses or worms?
    No, install it now!

  • What are the moves for the move modifier?
    the code this is for platinum94000130 FEFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 DA000000 00111D10 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 020F0C1C D2000000 00000000here are the moves000 000 No Move 001 001 Pound 002 002 Karate...

  • How do plate moves what makes their move?
    Well I know how you use them, KNIFE AND FORK to eat.answ2 The movement of the tectonic plates are believed to be driven by circulating currents of hot magma underneath the lithosphere. These in turn...

  • When can you move out?
    Whenever you want to. in alabama atleast 18

  • Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_viruses_move#ixzz1XRto687c

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