Saturday, February 11, 2012


A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell and is capable of self-replication and synthesis of RNA. DNA consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. The sequence of nucleotides determines individual hereditary characteristics.
Function of DNA and RNA
Transfer of DNA through the gametes transfers these hereditary characters from
one generation to the next. RNA is made up... Contrast the functions of DNA and ...
What is DNAs function? It tells the cell how to make new proteins and stores alot
of the cell's information. How does a DNA function? Is to store and regulated ...
Does DNA function in protein synthesis
What is the function of DNA in the synthesis of proteins? DNA makes RNA and
then RNA helps in protein synthesis. How does the DNA control protein synthesis ...
wiki.answers.com/Q/ Does_DNA_function_in_protein_synthesis
How does a DNA function
How does DNA function? Almost like how the combination of 0's and 1's encode
the programming for a computer, the DNA codes our genes (which expressed ...
History of DNA Structure and Function: Information from Answers.com
History of DNA Structure and Function DNA was discovered in the nineteenth
century, but its significance as the physical basis of inheritance was not.
www.answers.com/topic/ history-of-dna-structure-and-function
What is the role of DNA in a cell
DNA contains the instructions for a cell's structure and function. It is the blueprints
for how the cell runs, reproduces, builds and repairs itself, and every other ...
Relate the structure of DNA to the function of DNA as a carrier of ...
What is the difference between the structure and function of DNA? DNA's
structure is a double helix. DNa's function is to store the code which, when placed
in a ...
wiki.answers.com/Q/ Relate_the_structure_of_DNA_to_the_function_of_DNA_as_a_carrier_of_information
What is the structure and function of DNA Include DNA replication
The pairing pattern of the nitrogen bases is the key to understanding how it
occurs. The four nitrogen bases are adenine,... How does DNA polymerase
function ...
wiki.answers.com/Q/ What_is_the_structure_and_function_of_DNA_Include_DNA_replication
What is the function of DNA in the nucleus
It carries the genetic information of cell that is the phenotype and genotype of any
organism or cell depends on the sequences of bases present in DNA of the ...

Read more: http://www.answers.com/search?q=DNA+Function#ixzz1m9GZ2mxx

Read more: http://www.answers.com/search?q=DNA+Function#ixzz1m9GDmAdW

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