Friday, January 27, 2012


Sugar cane - traditional medicine

Sugar cane features in both folk and traditional systems of medicine in South Asia. It has been used to treat a wide variety of health complaints from constipation to coughs. It has been used externally to treat skin problems, a use that is being supported by scientific evidence.

Ayurvedic medicine

Both the roots and stems of sugar cane are used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat skin and urinary tract infections, as well as for bronchitis, heart conditions, loss of milk production, cough, anaemia, constipation as well as general debility. Some texts advise its use for jaundice and low blood pressure.

Folk medicine

Photo of cut sugar cane stem.
Sugar cane stem is used in Ayurvedic medicine.
A common folk remedy is to mix fresh stem juice with dry ginger in order to relieve hiccups . A plaster made from equal parts of sugar and yellow soap is used externally for treating boils, while crude sugar is applied to carbuncles.

This information is provided for general interest only. It is not intended as guidance for medicinal use. Further information on using herbal medicines is available.

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